Website images

Canaletto's paintings and more

All throughout the website you will find the imagery related to Canaletto's work and other artists of the XVII and XVIII century.

This website is founded on the best iconography I have been able to find on books and on the web, so all the images on this website are as true as possible.

I have used as little Photoshop as necessary on some originals (always found from reliable sources), to make images more true to how they were made, readable and enjoyable.

The original paintings and old prints most of the time are faded/stained from the damages of time, paints/inks decay and pollution.

What I have changed/added to make them more readable/enjoyable:

  • borders, very rarely
  • changed/added ancient print/paper/paint color. I tried to stay as much as possible “in the real”, considering that old paper had surely yellowed and old oil paint has almost for sure quite faded out (or changed color) with the passing of time.
  • Sometimes I may have made colors a little better from how they were in my original sources, to make them as close as how they could have been when put on canvas.



I'm sure the artists I am showing here would have been very happy about this attitude.

All images you will find in these pages are coming from books I have scanned, or are available internet material.

Sometimes they came out of commercial websites which sell these public domain images to whom can afford to pay.

All these images won’t bring any money to the artists or their descendants.

So ... copyleft? You decide.

And all text has been quite researched - not superficially but in an essential way - to give a good idea of the history behind Canaletto and the painting scene of those Rococo and Baroque periods.

Hope you will appreciate my work and choices.


Roberto Delpiano      

Copyright by Roberto Delpiano 2022-2025 - please visit my website